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Here's a list of articles, web pages, and books that we have found useful when figuring out how to write for the web.

If you have additional items you think people would like to know about, let us know, with as full a citation as possible.

And if one of the links is broken, let us know. (Already, some of these links have been deleted by their makers, as we note.)



Abeleto.com. 1999. How to write usefully for the Web. http://www.abeleto.com/resources/tutorials/webwriting.html

Agre, P. E., and M. Rotenberg (eds). 1997. Technology and Privacy: The New Landscape. Cambridge, MA: MIT

Albrecht, J., and E. O’Brien. 1993. Updating a mental model: Maintaining both local and global coherence. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 19. 1061-1070.

Allen, C., D. Kania, and B. Yaeckel. 2001. One-to-One Web Marketing: Build a Relationship Marketing Strategy One Customer at a Time. New York: Wiley.

Alred, Gerald J., Oliu, Walter E., and Brusaw, Charles T. 1992. The Professional Writer. New York: St Martin’s Press.

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). 2000. Do You Know Where Your Data Is? http://www.aclu.org/action/privcard.html

American Express. 1998. Customer Privacy Principles. http://home3.americanexpress.com/corp/action/privcard.html

America Online Webmaster Info. January, 2001.
http://webmaster.info.aol.com/webstyle. (Page deleted).

Ameritech Web Page User Interface and Design Guidelines. 1998. http://www.ameritech.com/news/testown/library/standard/
web_guidelines (Page removed).

Ames, Andrea. 2000. Architecture and Design of Online Information for Information-Rich User Interfaces and User Assistance. San Jose, CA: university of California, Santa Cruz. http://www.verbal-imagery.com/architecture.htm

Andrews, P. 2001. Who are your gatekeepers? Paul Andrews' Hypodermia. http://www.paulandrews.com/stories/storyReader$122

Apple Computer. 1987. Human Interface Guidelines: The Apple Desktop Interface. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

Apple Computer. 1999. Apple Web Design Guide. http://www.apple.com/ (Removed from public site).

Arthur, Lance. 2000. Design. http://glassdog.com/design-o-rama/design/index.html

Asher, S. R. 1980. Topic interest and children’s reading comprehension. Theoretical Issues in Reading Comprehension, R. J. Spiro, B. C. Bruce, and W. F. Brewer, eds. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. 525-534.

Ausubel, D. D. 1968. Educational Psychology: A Cognitive View. New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.

Ausubel, D. D. 1978. In defense of advance organizers: A reply to the critics. Review of Educational Research, 48, 2. 251-257.


Bailey, R. W. 1983. Human Performance Engineering: A Guide for System Designers. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Baker, J. D. and Goldstein, I. 1966. Batch vs Sequential displays: Effects on human problem solving. Human Factors, 8: 225-235.

Bakhtin, M. M. 1986. Speech Genres and Other Essays. Trans. V. McGee, edited by M. Holquist and C. Emerson. Austin TX: University of Texas Press.

Baldwin, R.S., Z. Peleg-Bruckner, and A. McClintock. 1985. Effects of topic interest and prior knowledge on reading comprehension. Reading Research Quarterly 220, Number 4. 497-504.

Bank One. 2001. Privacy Policy. http://www.bankone.com

Barstow, Thomas R., and Jaynes, Joseph T. 1986. Integrating online documentation into the technical publishing process. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, PC-29, 4: 37-41.

BBC. 2003. The BBC News Styleguide. http://learn.gateway.bbc.co.uk/documents/pdf/newstyleguide.pdf

Belew, R. K. 2000. Finding out About: A Cognitive Perspective on Search Engine Technology and the WWW.  Cambridge, UK: Cambride University Press.

Berners-Lee, Tim. 1992-1998. Style Guide for Online Hypertext. http://www.w3.org/Provider/Style/All.html

Beyer, H. and Holtzblatt, K.  1997.  Contextual Design: Defining Customer-Centered Systems.  San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.

Bieber, Michael, Fabio Vitali, Helen Ashman, V. Balasubramianian, and Harri Oinas-Kukkonen. 1997. Fourth generation hypermnedia: Some missing links for the World Wide Web. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 47, Number 1. 31-66. http://ijhcs.open.ac.uk/bieber/bieber.html

Black, Roger, & Elder, Sean. 1997. Web Sites That Work. San Jose, CA: Adobe.

Boggan, S., D. Farkas, and J. Welinske. 1996. Developing Online Help for Windows 95.  Boston, MA: Thomson.

Bolter, J. D. 1991. Writing Space: The Computer, Hypertext, and the History of Writing. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Boomer, H.R. 1975. Relative comprehensibility of pictorial information and printed words in proceduralized instructions. Human Factors. 17, 3. 266-267.

Borenstein, Nathaniel S. 1985. Help texts vs Help mechanisms: A new mandate for documentation writers. In Proceedings of SIGDOC ’85. New York: Association for Computing Machinery. 8-10.

Borges, Jose A. Israel Morales, and Nestor J. Rodriguez. 1998. Page design guidelines developed throughusability testing. In Human Factors and Web Development, ed. Chris Forsythe, Eric Grose, and Julie Ratner. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. 137-152

Bork, Alfred. 1983. A preliminary taxonomy of ways of displaying text on screens. Information Design Journal, 3, 3. 206-214.

Bradley, N. 2000. The XSL Companion. Harlow, England: Pearson, Addison-Wesley.

Branscum, D. March 5, 2001. Who's blogging now? Newsweek. http://stacks.msnbc.com/news/535681.asp

Bransford, John D., and Merieta K. Johnson. 1972. Contextual prerequisites for understanding: Some investigations of comprehension and recall. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior 11. 717-726.

Bricklin, Dan. 1996-1998. Good Documents.

Broadbent, D. E. 1978. Language and ergonomics. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication. PC-21: 34-37.

Brown, Geoffrey Vail. 2000. Intelliforum: Intro to the Action Point Theory. http://www.intelliforum.com/theory/actionintro.htm (Dead). Summary at:http://www.zebedeecreations.co.uk/useful_hints_detail.asp?

Bruffee, K. A. 1986. Social construction, language, and the authority of knowledge.  A bibliographical essay.  College English 48: 773-790.

Brusaw, Charles T., Alred, Gerald J, and Oliu, Walter E. 1997. Handbook of Technical Writing, Fifth Edition. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

Burgess, J. H. 1984. Human Factors in Form Design. Chicago: Nelson-Hall.

Burke, K. 1969. A Rhetoric of Motives.  Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Bush, Donald W., and Campbell, Charles P. 1995. How to Edit Technical Documents. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx

Bushell, C.B. 1995. Design Requirements for Hypermedia. Master’s Thesis. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


Carroll, J. M. 1984. Minimalist training. Datamation, 30, 18. 125-136.

Celsi, R. and J. Olson. 1989. The role of involvement in attention and comprehension processes. Journal of Consumer Research 15, Number 2. 210-224.

Chase, W.G., and Clark, H.H. 1972. Mental operations in the comparison of sentences and pictures. In L. Gregg (Ed.) Cognition in Learning and Memory. New York: Wiley.

Cheskin Research and Studio Archetype/Sapient. 1999. eCommerce Trust Study.

Clark, H. H. and Clark, E. V. 1968. Semantic distinctions and memory for complex sentences. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 20. 129-138.

Clark, G. 1990.  Dialogue, Dialectic, and Conversation: A Social Perspective on the Function of Writing.  Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois UP.

Clark, H.H., and Chase, W.G.  1970. On the process of comparing sentences against pictures. Cognitive Psychology, 3. 472-517.

Clark, H. H., and S. E. Haviland. 1977. Comprehension and the given-new contract. In Discourse Production and Comprehension, R. O. Freedle, ed. Norwood, NJ: Ablex. 1-40.

Coad, P. and E. Yourdon. 1991. Object-Oriented Design. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Cohen, J. May 17, 2001. He-Mails, She-Mails: Where sender meets gender.  New York Times.

Conklin, Jeff. 1987a. Hypertext: An introduction and survey. IEEE Computer, 20: 9. 17-41.

Conklin, Jeff. 1987b. STP-356-86, Rev. 2 A Survey of Hypertext. Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation.

Coombs, J. H. A. H. Renear, and S. J. DeRose. 1987. Markup systems and the future of scholarly text processing. Communications of the ACM, 30, 933-47. 1987. Reprinted in G. P. Landow and P. Delany (eds.) The Digital Word, Text-based Computing in the Humanities (85-118). Cambridge, MA: MIT. 1993.

Cooper, Alan. 1995. About Face: The Essentials of User Interface Design. Indianapolis, IN: IDG.

Cooper, Alan. 1999. The Inmates are Running the Asylum: Why High-Tech Products Drive Us Crazy and How to Restore the Sanity. Indianapolis, IN: Sams.

Creaghead, N. A., and K. G. Donnelly. 1982. Comprehension of superordinate and subordinate information by good and poor readers. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in the Schools 13. 177-186.

Cuff, R. N. 1980. On casual users. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies. 12, 2. 163-187.


Dack.com. 2001. Best Practices for Designing Shopping Cart and Checkout Interfaces. http://www.dack.com/web/shopping_cart_Print.html

Davenport, T. 1993, Process Innovation, Reengineering Work through Information Technology.  Boston, MA: Harvard Business School.

Davies, S. 2001. Time for a byte of privacy, please. Privacy International. http://www.oneworld.org/index_oc/issue697/davies.html

Dee-Lucas, D. and J. Larkin. 1990. Organization and comprehensibility in scientific proofs, or ‘consider a particle p… Journal of Educational Psychology 82, Number 4. 701-714.

Dee-Lucas, D. 1995. Study strategies for instructional hypertext: Effects of text segmentation and task opportunity. Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia. Reprinted in ED-MEDIA 95 World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia Proceedings. Charlottesville, VA: Association for Advancement of Computer Education. 175-186.

Deese, J. and R. A. Kaufman. 1957. Serial effects in recall of unorganized and sequentially organized verbal material. Journal of Experimental Psychology 54. 180-187.

Dewer, R. E. 1976. The slash obscures the symbol on prohibitive traffic signs. Human Factors, 18, 3. 253-258.

Dillon, Andrew. 1994. Designing Usable Electronic Text: Ergonomic Aspects of Human Information Usage. London, UK: Taylor & Francis.

Doherty, M. 2001. @TITLE THIS-CHAPTER AS ... [WAS; ON THE WEB, NOBODY KNOWS YOU'RE AN EDITOR] in J. F. Barber and D. Grigar (eds.) New Worlds, New Words: Exploring Pathways for Writing aobut and in Electronic Environments.  Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

Dragga, S. and G. Gong.  1989.  Editing: The Design of Rhetoric.  Amityville, New York: Baywood.

Duffy, T. M. J. E. Palmer, and B. Mehlenbacher.  1992.  Online Help Design and Evaluation. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.

Dumas, Joseph. 1988. Designing User Interfaces for Software. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Dumas, Joseph and Jenny C. Redish. 1993. A Practical Guide to Usability Testing. Greenwich, CT: Ablex.


Ellinor, L., and G. Gerard. 1998. Dialogue: Rediscover the Transforming Power of Conversation. New York: Wiley.

El-Shinnawy, Maha. 1998. Interface: Susan T. Kinney and Richard T. Watson on ‘The effect of medium and task on dyadic communication." IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, Vol. 41, 2, June. 140-142.

Esperet, E. 1996. Notes on hypertext, cognition, and language. In Hypertext and Cognition, J. F. Rouet, J. J. Levonen, A. Dillon, and R. J. Spiro, eds. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 149-155.


Farkas, David K. and Jean B. Farkas. 2000. Guidelines for Designing Web Navigation. Technical Communication, Volume 47, Number 3, pp. 341-358

Federal Trade Commission, U.S. 1999. How to Comply With The Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule. http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/pubs/buspubs/coppa.htm

Fish, S. 1980.  Is There a Text in this Class? The Authority of Interpretive Communities.  Cambridge, MA: Harvard.

Flower, L., J. R. Hayes, and H. Swarts. 1983. Revising functional documents: The scenario principle. In New Essays in Technical and Scientific Communication: Research, Theory, Practice, P. V. Anderson, R. J. Brockmann, and C. R. Miller, eds. Farmingdale, NY: Baywood. 41-58.

Flynn, N. 2001. The ePolicy Handbook. New York: American Management Association.

Forsythe, Chris, Eric Grose, and Julie Ratner, eds. 1998. Human Factors and Web Development. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum

Foucault, M. 1972. The Archeology of Knowledge and the Discourse on Language.  Trans. A. M. S. Smith. New York: Pantheon-Random.

Fowler, Susan L, and Stanwick, Victor R. 1995. The GUI Style Guide. Boston: AP Professional.

Frase, L. T. 1969. Paragraph organization of written materials: The influence of conceptual clustering upon the level and organization of recall. Journal of Educational Psychology 60, Number 5, Part 1. 394-401.

Freebody, P. and R. C. Anderson. 1986. Serial position and rated importance in the recall of text. Discourse Processes 9, Number 1. 31036.

Freed, R. C. and G. J. Broadhead. 1987. Discourse communities, sacred texts, and institutional norms.  College Composition and Communication 38, 154-165.

Frisse, Mark. 1988a. From text to hypertext. Byte (October). 247-253.

Frisse, Mark. 1988b. Searching for information in a hypertext medical handbook. Communications of the ACM, 31, 7. 880-886.

Furnas, George W. 1997. Effective view navigation. Proceedings of CHI 97 Human Factors in Computing Systems. Atlanta, GA: ACM Press, 367-374.


Gable Group. 2001. Stories not getting through? You could be trapped in a media bozo/jargon filter. http://www.jargonfreeweb.com/newstory.html

Gagne, R., and Briggs, L. 1979. Principles of Instructional Design. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.

Gamma, E., R. Helm, R. Johnson, J. Vlissides. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. 1995.

Galitz, Wilbert O. 1985. Handbook of Screen Format Design. Wellesley, MA: QED Information Sciences.

Gaylin, K. 1986. How are windows used? Some notes on creating an empirically based windowing benchmark test. In CHI ’86 Proceedings. New York: Association for Computing Machinery. 96-100.

Gee, N. R., D.L. Nelson, and D. Krawczyk. 1999. Is the concreteness effect a result of underlying network interconnectivity? Journal of Memory and Language, Numnber 40. 479-497.

Gilbert, J. 2001. Privacy? Who needs privacy? Business 2.0, January 23. 42.

Gillmor, D. 2/20/2001. The whys and hows of Weblogs.  eJournal: Dan Gillmor's News and Views. http://web.siliconvalley.com/content/sv/2001/02/20/opinion/dgillmor/weblog/GillmorWeblogExplainer.htm

Givens, B. 2000. Privacy expectations in a high tech world. San Diego, CA: Privacy Rights Clearinghouse. http://www.privacyrights.org/ar/expect.htm

Glass, Robert L. 1989. Software maintenance documentation. Sigdoc 89 Conference Proceedings. New York: ACM.

Goldberg, A. and K. S. Rubin. 1995. Succeeding with Objects: Frameworks for Project Management. Reading, NMA: Addison-Wesley.

Goldfarb, Charles. 1990. The SGML Handbook. New York: Oxford.

Goldfarb, C. F., and Prescod, P. 2000. The XML Handbook. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Golledge, R. G. 1999. Human wayfinding and cognitive maps.  In Golledge, R. G. (ed.), Wayfinding Behavior: Cognitive Mapping and Other Spatial Processes.  Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Gould, Emilie W., Gurevich, Mark, and Pagerey, Peter D. 1998.Conducting surveys over the World Wide Web. STC 45th Annual Conference 1998 Proceedings. Arlington, VA: Society for Technical Communication. 294-297.

Gregory, R. L. 1980. Eye and Brain: The Psychology of Seeing. New York: Oxford.

Gregory, R.L. 1987. The Oxford Companion to the Mind. New York: Oxford.

Gutzman, A. D. 2001. The e-Commerce Arsenal. New York: American Management Association.


Haas, C. 1989a. Does the medium make a difference? A study of composing with pen and paper and with a computer.  Human-Computer Interaction. 4. 149-169.

Haas, C. 1989b. How the writing meidum shapes the writing process: Effects of word processing on planning.  Research in the Teaching of English.  23. 181-207.

Haas, C. 1996. Writing Technology: Studies on the Materiality of Literacy.  Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Haas, C., and J. R. Hayes. 1986. Pen and Paper vs the Machine: Writers Composing in Hard Copy and Computer Conditions.  CDC Technical Report 16. Pittsburgh, PA: Communication Design Center, Carnegie Mellon University.

Hackos, JoAnn.  1995. Finding out what users need and giving it to them: A case study at Federal Express.  Technical Communication, 42 (2) 322-327.

Hackos, JoAnn. 2002. Content Management for Dynamic Web Delivery.  New York: Wiley.

Hackos, JoAnn, and J. C. Redish. 1998. User and Task Analysis for Interface Design. New York: Wiley.

Hackos, JoAnn, and Stevens, Dawn M. 1996. Standards for Online Communication. New York: Wiley.

Hagen, P., with H. Manning and R. Souza. 1999. Smart Personalization.  Cambridge, MA: Forrester Research.

Hagen, P., and D. M. Cooperstein. January 3, 2001. Demand Chain Redefines Personalization and CRM. Forrester Research.

Hansell, S. March 26, 2001. Marketers find new avenues on the Internet.  New York Times.

Harnack, A. and E. Kleppinger. 1997. Online!  New York: St. Martins.

Hartley, J., and M. Trueman. 1983. The effects of headings in text on recall, search, and retrieval. British Journal of Educational Psychology 53. 205-214.

Hartman, D. B., and K. S. Nantz. 1996. The 3 Rs of E-Mail: Risks, Rights, and Responsibilities. Menlo Park, CA: Crisp Publications.

Hasslein, Vaughn. 1986. Marketing survey on user requests for online documentation. In Proceedings of 33rd International Technical Communication Conference. Washington, DC: Society for Technical Communication. 434-438.

Heckel, Paul. 1984. The Elements of Friendly Software Design. New York: Warner.

Heim, M. 1987. Electric Language: A Philosophical Study of Word Processing. New Haven, CT: Yale.

Henning, K. 2000a.  Writing well online: Talent isn't enough. http://www.clickz.com/article/cz.2948.html

Henning, K. 2000b.  The seven qualities of highly successful Web writing.  http://www.clickz.com/cgi-bin/gt/article.html?article-2997

Henning, K. 2001a.  Clarity by design.  http://www.clickz.com/article/cz.3131.html

Henning, K. 2001b. Fruit flies like a banana: Writing unambiguously. http://www.clickz.com/article/cz.3234.html

Henning, K. 2001c. Writing for readers who scan. http://www.clickz.com/article/cz.3326.html

Henning, K. 2001d.  Online, consistency is crucial.  http://www.clickz.com/article/cz.3413.html

Henning, K. 2001e.  Writing consistently across media: Ten proofreading tips. http://www.clickz.com/article/cz.3494.html

Henning, K.  2001f. Wireless: Good news for writers who write tight.  http://www.clickz.com/article/cz.3598.html

Herring, S. 1996. Posting in a different voice: Gender and Ethics in CMC. In Philosophical Perspectives on Computer-Mediated Communication, edited by C. Ess. 115-146. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.

Herriot, P. 1970. An Introduction to the Psychology of Language. London: Methuen.

Herwijnen, E. 1990. Practical SGML.  Dordrecht/Boston: Kluwer.

Hix, Deborah, and Hartson, H. Rex. 1993. Developing User Interfaces: Ensuring Usability through Product and Process. New York: Wiley.

Hoffman, Michael. 1996. Enabling Extremely Rapid Navigation in Your Web or Document.  http://www.hypertextnavigation.com/infoaxcs.htm

Holcomb, P.J., J. Kounios, J. E. Anderson, and W.C. West. 1999. Dual-coding , context-availability, and concreteness effects in sentence comprehension: An electrophysiological investigation. Learning, Memory, and Cognition 25, Number 3. 721-742.

Holzner, S. 1998. XML Complete. New York: McGraw Hill.

Horton, William K. 1990. Designing and Writing Online Documentation: Help Files to Hypertext. New York: Wiley.

Hudson, P.T. and M. W. Bergman. 1985. Lexical knowledge and word recognition: Word length and word frequency in naming and decision tasks. Journal of Memory and Language, Volume 24, Number 1. 46-58.

Hunter, D., with C. Cagle, D. Gibbons, N. Ozu, J. Pinnock, P. Spencer. 2000. Beginning XML. Birmingham, UK: Wrox.


IBM Ease of Use (Dong, J., Kieke, E., Martin, S., Tilson, R.). 1997-1999. Web Design Guidelines

Isakson, C.S., and J. H. Spyridakis. 1999. The influence of semantics and syntax on what readers remember. Technical Communication 46, Number 3. 366-381.

J Jacobs, P. 2001. Personalization delivers for B2B. eDirections, 22-25, Winter.

Jacobsen, I., M. Ericcsson, and A. Jacobson.  1994.  The Object Advantage: Business Process Re-Engineering with Object Technology.  Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

James, W. 1890/1950. The Principles of Psychology.  New York: Dover.

James, W. 1925.  The Varieties of Religious Experience. New York: Longmans, Green.

Johnson, N., and S. Phillips.  2001. Legal Research Exercises Following the Bluebook. 7th Edition. Eagan, MN: West Wadsworth.

Johnson, S. 1997. Interface Culture: How New Technology Transforms the Way We Create and Communicate. New York: HarperCollins.

Johnson-Eilola, J. 1994. Reading and writing in hypertext: Vertigo and euphoria. In C. L. Selfe and S. Hilligoss (eds.) Literacy and Computers: The Complications of Teaching and Learning with Technology. pp. 195-219. New York: Modern Language Association.

Jonassen, D. H, W. H. Hannum, and M. Tessmer. 1989. Handbook of Task Analysis Procedures.  New York: Praeger.

Joyce, M. 1988. Siren shapes: Exploratory and constructive hypertexts. Academic Computing. November. 10-15.

Just, M. A. and P. A. Carpenter. 1980. A theory of reading: From eye fixation to comprehension. Psychological Review 84, Number 4. 329-354.


Kaiser, Jean. 2000. Web Design/HTML. About. (Now handled by Jennifer Kyrnin). http://webdesign.about.com/library/weekly/mpreviss.htm

Kay, M. 2000. The XSLT Programmer's Reference.  Birmingham, UK: Wrox.

Keeker, Kevin. 1997. Improving Web site usability and appeal. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnsiteplan/html/improvingsiteusa.asp

Kemp, T. May 31, 2001. Personalization isn't a product. Internet Week. http://www.internetweek.com/newslead01/lead060101.htm.

Khoshafian, S. and R. Abnous. 1995. Object Orientation. New York: Wiley.

Kieras, D. 1978. Good and bad structure in simple paragraphs: Effects on apparent theme, reading time and recall. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior 17. 13-28.

Kieras, J. L. 1980. Initial mention as a signal to thematic content in technical passages. Memory and Cognition, 8, 4. 345-353.

Kilian, Crawford. 1999. Writing for the Web. North Vancouver, BC: Self-Counsel Press.

Kilian, Crawford. January 2, 2001. Good Web Writing: Small Latin and Less Geek. Content Exchange

Kintsch, W. 1993. Text comprehension, memory, and learning. American Psychologist 49, Number 4. 294-303.

Kirsner, Scott. 1997. Community Theater: Can corporate players be convincing—or successful—in the communitarian role? CIO Magazine, December 1, 1997. http://www.cio.com/archive/webbusiness/120197_main.html

Knowledge Capital Group. March 26, 2001. Customer-Relationship Management.  White paper.  New York Times (insert).

Kollock, Peter, and Smith, Marc. 1994. Managing the virtual commons: Cooperation and conflict in computer communities.

Kolln, Martha. 2003. Rhetorical Grammar: Grammatical Choices, Rhetorical Effects. New York: Longman.

Korenman, J. 1999. E-mail Forums and Women's Studies: The Example of WMST-L. In Hawthorne, S., and R. Klein, eds. CyberFeminism: Connectivity, Critique, and Creativity.  Australia: Spinifex Press. 80-97.

Kravetz, S. September 20, 2000. If that's me in the e-dressing room, why doesn't this fit?  New York Times, p. 22.

Krug, Steve. 2000. Don’t Make Me Think. Indianapolis, IN: Que. Excerpts at: http://www.sensible.com/


Lanham, R. 1993. The Electronic Word: Democracy,. Technology, and the Arts.  Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Lanham, R. 1994. The economics of attention. Proceedings of 124th Annual Meeting Association of Research Librarians. Austin, Texas. http://sunsite.Berkeley.edu/ARL/Proceedings/124/ps2econ.html

Larkin, W., and D. Burns. 1977. Sentence comprehension and memory for embedded structure. Memory and Cognition 5, Number 1. 17-22.

Larson, Kevin and Mary Czerwinski. 1998. Web Page Design: Implications of Memory, Structure, and Scent for Information Retrieval. Microsoft Research. http://www.research.Microsoft.com/users/marycz/chi981.htm

Lasica, J.D. 2001a. Blogging as a form of journalism. USC Annenberg Online Journalism Review. http://ojr.usc.edu/content

Lasica, J.D. 2001b. Weblogs: A new source of news. USC Annenberg Online Journalism Review. http://ojr.usc.edu/content

Lawless, K. A., and J. M. Kulikowich. 1996. Understanding hypertext navigation through cluster analysis. Journal of Educational Computing Research 14, Number 4. 385-399.

Lee, G. 1993. Object-Oriented GUI Application Development.  Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Levine, Rick. 1997. Sun Guide to Web Style. http://www.sun.com/styleguide [No longer available from Sun. Copy at

Levine, Rick, Christopher Locke, Doc Searles, David Weinberger. 1999. The Cluetrain Manifesto. http://www.cluetrain.com

Lie, H. W., and R. Bos. 1999. Cascading Style Sheets: Designing for the Web. Harlow, England: Pearson/Addison-Wesley.

LLoyd-Martin, H. and J. Whalen.  2001. Rank Write Roundtable.  RankWrite@RankWrite.com. Or http://www.rankwrite.com

Locke, C. 2001. Gonzo Marketing: Winning through Worst Practices. Reading, MA: Perseus.

Lohse, G. L, and P. Spiller. 1998. Quantifying the effect of user interface design features on cyberstore traffic and sales. CHI ’98 Conference Proceedings (Los Angeles, CA). Los Alamitos, CA: ACM Press.

Lorch, R., and E. Lorch. 1985. Topic structure representation and text recall. Journal of Educational Psychology 77, Number 2. 137-148.

Lorch, R. F., Jr. and E. P. Lorch. 1995. Effects of organizational signals on text-processing strategies. Journal of Educational Psychology 87, Number 4. 537-544.

Lovelace, E.A. and Southall, S.D. 1983. Memory for words in prose and their locations on the page. Memory and Cognition 11(5). 429-434.

Lynch, Kevin. 1960. The Image of the City. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Lynch, Patrick, and Horton, Sarah. 1999. Yale C/AIM Web Style Guide. http://info.med.yale.edu/caim/manual

Lynch, Patrick. Visual Logic. 2000. (Journal, now removed from web. Substitute: http://www.webstyleguide.com/type/structure.html


MacEachren, A.M. 1992. Application of environmental learning theory to spatial knowledge acquisition from maps.  Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 82 (2), 245-274.

MacEachren, A. M. 1995. How Maps Work: Representation, Visualization, and Design.  New York: Guilford.

MacKinnon, Richard. 1992. Searching for the Leviathan in the Usenet. Masters Thesis, San Jose State University.

Mahler, William J. 1987. Interactive touch screen design. In Proceedings of the 34th International Technical Communication Conference. Washington, DC: Society for Technical Communication. VC 72-77.

Mandel, Theo. 1994. The GUI-OOUI War, Windows vs OS/2, The Designer’s Guide to Human-Computer Interfaces. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.

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